Xuan: Didi, do you know what is 智能导弹 in ultraman?
Cheng: I don’t know, koko. What’s that?
Xuan: It’s missile. Very powerful one.
Cheng: Ohhh.
Xuan: So now you know what it is already?
Cheng: No, I don’t know. What’s missile?
Xuan: Aiyo, it’s 智能导弹 lah......
Cheng: Koko, you have to drink a lot of water because you eat too much junk, ok?
Xuan: Ok ok! I will drink.
Cheng: Aiya, I forgot. I also have to drink a lot of water because I eat too much junk. I don’t want to fall sick!
Cheng: Daddy, I know where my friend Zhen Lik lives already.
Daddy: Oh, where does Zhen Lik live? Near school?
Cheng: He lives with his koko, Zhen Min.
When Cheng was younger, he learnt to construct longer sentences by adding on because without knowing the meaning. When he was asked why, the replies would always be just because. I broke the glass because lor. I ate this ice cream because lor.
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