
I'm a failed product of education system because I don't like to read. I think I have spent my whole life in schools and university memorizing theories and enough is enough. In contrary, my big sis loves reading. She buys a lot of books and loves reading. I think she got this from our father who loves reading and it's not in my blood. During our years in kampung, she always borrowed storybooks from the library and she bought Enid Blyton's books, the whole set of it! And she subscribed to Reader's Digest too! I read those books that she got. Even when she moved to Singapore, she will still bring some good books over to me when she comes to KL. Last week, I was flipping a book she was reading during her stay and found that I actually enjoy reading too. I rushed to finish the book in a few days so that I can return the book to her before she got back to Singapore. Then, I realised how much joy I find in reading. Also, it reminds me that all these years, the books that I have read are all from her while I myself have YET to find a good book that suits me. 

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